When you travel to Finland, you may be suprised at how awsome nature we have here. Everyone has the right to enjoy Finnish nature for free. How?Many tourists arriving in Finland are surprised by the obvious right of us Finns; everyman`s right. What does this everyman`s right mean? In short, you have the right to go anywhere in nature, including 40 Finnish national parks, for free.

Miksi maksaisin siitä, että pääsen auttamaan eläimiä?
Valitettavan usein luonnonsuojeluprojektit eivät saa rahallista tukea, jonka takia ne eivät pysty tarjoamaan huolenpitoa saati
1 ajatus aiheesta “Everyman’s rights”
Paluuviite: Why travel to Finland in other seasons instead of winter? 1/3 Spring - Suomen Ekomatkaajat Oy